Become a Certificate Authority (CA)
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| $ cp /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf ./ $ mkdir -p ./demoCA/certs ./demoCA/crl ./demoCA/newcerts $ touch ./demoCA/index.txt $ echo "1000" > ./demoCA/serial $ openssl req -new -x509 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt -config openssl.cnf
Open openssl.cnf and change “policy = policy_match” to “policy = policy_anything”
Create a Certificate
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| $ $ openssl genrsa -aes128 -out server.key 1024 $ $ openssl rsa -in server.key -text $ $ openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -config openssl.cnf $ $ openssl ca -in server.csr -out server.crt -cert ca.crt -keyfile ca.key -config openssl.cnf
Create Digital Signature
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| $ $ echo "Hello, world!" > in.txt $ $ openssl rsa -in server.key -pubout > $ $ openssl dgst -sha256 -sign server.key -out in.txt.sha256 in.txt $ $ openssl dgst -sha256 -verify -signature in.txt.sha256 in.txt
Crypto Lab – Public-Key Cryptography and PKI